• New Book/Item Entry Form
  • Item Management
  • Item Binder
  • Book Data Verification
  • Fine Setting
  • Book Issue / Return
  • OPAC Search
  • Library Report like Author Wise, Subject Wise, Overdue Books, Shelf Wise, Etc
  • Catalogue of books with ISBN, Author, Title, Publisher, Number of copies of a Particular Book and any Other Customizable Information
  • Librarian is Provided with an Interface to Issue / Return a Book to / From a Person
  • System Alert to the user when a Book is Due for Return or is Already Late
  • Search for Availability for a Book.
  • Various System Generated Reports, e.g., Books Due this week, Late Returns, etc
  • Library to be Able to Operate Offline.
  • Bar Code Integration
  • SMS Server Integration